stocking a cleanup crew


I have a 90 gallon reef a 29 FOWLR and a 12 FO and I will be getting my shipment in tomorrow. Here is a list of what I ordered and I need some advice on stocking numbers for the 3 tanks. I need to figure out how many of each to put in them. Tell me if this looks good.
50 nassarius snails (32 in 90 w/ 3 in fuge, 10 in 29, 5 in 12)
50 cerith snails (30 in 90 w/ 5 in fuge, 10 in 29, 5 in 12)
25 scarlet hermits (15 in 90 and 7 in 29 and 3 in 12)
30 nerite snails (18 in 90, 2 in fuge, 7 in 29 and 2 in 12)
2 emerald crabs (1 in 90 and 1 in 29)
2 red mithrax crabs (1 in 90 and 1 in 29)
2 serpent stars (90)
500 amphipods/copepods (90)