Stocking a FOWLR 125 gal nonaggressive community


I have had my tank up and running for about 5 months now. I am wondering what I can add to it that will go with what I have currently. I want a nonagressive community tank FOWLR.
I currently have 15 mollies 3 fry mollies and 1 red legged hermit crab and a small hermit, and 2 CB shrimp
I plan on purchasing a couple more fish within the next couple weeks any suggestions on what I can add with the shrimp, crabs and mollies?
My GF wants a lion not sure which one yet still doing research but more than anything it will probably be a dwarf lion. I want an angel but don't plan on that till close to the last fish.


Active Member
Lion will probably make your mollies lunch. And a lion is considered aggressive so kinda blows the whole nonaggressive tank thing outta the water. If you dont get a lion....firefish, a school of chromis, purple tang, anthias are all cool fish. Do research on the ones you like before buying them to make sure they get along.