Stocking a new 120 tank


Hey it's been awhile since I posted, but I am finally upgrading from my 55 gallon tank to a 120 gallon tank. The tank will be FOWLR, wet dry filter and sand. Right now I have 2 clowns a niger trigger and a yellow tang. I am getting rid of the trigger and moving the clowns and Yellow Tang to the 120 gallon. Here are the fish I want in this tank.
2 clowns
1 yellow tang
1 regal tang
1 emperor Angel - will this work in a 120 gallon tank?
1 Flame angel
1 wrasse of some kind- some opinions on this one
Well, this is what I want but I am not sure if it will work in the long term. I will not be upgraded for a few years. I am not sure about he Emperor Angel, some people say you need a 100 gallon tank some say you need a 180. anyone have experience with this fish in a 120. Also would the Emperor be okay with the tangs and the flame angel? The dimensions of the tank is 60 long 18 wide and 26 high. So it is a 5 foot long tank and that is what is important with Tangs and Angels right? Please I love to hear opinions and experiences.


Active Member
I agree with jwtrojan. On the wrasses, fairy wrasses are beautiful but, well known jumpers. I've had a sixline for 2 years and I l love it.


Thanks jwtrojan44 for the response. I honestly want the Emperor Angel. I was thinking about buying a 5 inch Emp. Angel and put it in my tank 6 months from now. How long do I have before the Angel outgrows the tank? I was hoping to get 3 years before I have to upgrade to a 200 gallon tank. Is 10 inches the Max size I can keep the Angel in the 120? If not the Emperor I was thinking about the Majestic Angel, I heard they don't get as big and are just as amazing.
Also I am moving about 60 pounds of live rock from my 55 gallon tank that is a year old and also some live sand. Will this make my tank mature faster. The wet dry filter will be brand new, plus I will add more sand and Rock.
So I was thinking
Yellow Tang
Regal tang 3 months from now
2 Clowns
six line wrasse
Emperor or Majestic Angel 6 months from now
Flame Angel 5 months from now
I would be extremely happy if I can keep these fish together for a few years. By the way I'm from Exton,PA. What part are your from? Do you shop at ************* in Lancaster?
Thanks again,


Thanks for all your input, I think I am going with the two angels, The Emperor and the Flame. How will these two angels get along in this tank? Can I look for a smaller Emperor with adult coloration. What size do you think I can find with adult coloration?? About 4-5 inches. I have plenty time to read about keeping these two, before I purchase. I have kept my Yellow tang and clowns for a year now and they are perfect, I think I 'll let the tank sit for awhile before I put the clowns and Yellow Tang. I probably keep the Yellow Tang in a different tank for a few months so he won't dominate any new fish. Exton is located in Chester County right now West Chester, I only lived here for a year.
Thanks, I appreciate the help..


Active Member

Originally posted by mikeyfish
Thanks for all your input, I think I am going with the two angels, The Emperor and the Flame. How will these two angels get along in this tank? Can I look for a smaller Emperor with adult coloration. What size do you think I can find with adult coloration?? About 4-5 inches. I have plenty time to read about keeping these two, before I purchase. I have kept my Yellow tang and clowns for a year now and they are perfect, I think I 'll let the tank sit for awhile before I put the clowns and Yellow Tang. I probably keep the Yellow Tang in a different tank for a few months so he won't dominate any new fish. Exton is located in Chester County right now West Chester, I only lived here for a year.
Thanks, I appreciate the help..

Does the Trigger need a good home?


Active Member
I have the majestic angel and he's basically out and about minding his own business. I think the emperor is a little more prone to disease of all the angels, JMO. How about a harlequin tusk?:D


Thanks for the repsonses... Yes Razor EqX the trigger is looking for a good home. I have him for a 4 months, the fish is about 3 inches and he's a beauty. I just don't think he would go with my future fish, Angels, Tangs, Too much waste and I know Angels need perfect water conditions. If you or anyone else is in the PA area near philly let me know. I am moving into a new place at the end of the month and that is when I'm setting up my new tank so he needs to go in 2 weeks. I rather give him to a hobbyist than a pet store and of course whoever wants him will have to come get him but he would be free. Let me know!!