Stocking advice please


Active Member
I just set up my 12 gallon Instant Ocean 5 days ago so I know it's going to be a while before I can put ANYTHING in there, but it's never too soon to start planning and researching, right? Besides, the reading and window-shopping will keep me amused until I can put a fish in there. Right now staring at the live rock is actually keeping me pretty fascinated. I wandered around the LFS again after work today hoping to pick up a green plant or two but they had nothing. I've confirmed the fact that I love puffers - all of them, and probably should accept that I will need to have one in my tank. I've loved them for YEARS and now that I finally have a saltwater tank (even though it's tiny) I'd like to know if I can have one small puffer. (should I be successful at keeping a 12g healthy and if I become addicted (like there's any doubt?) then I will upgrade over the winter to a larger tank.
So, what type of puffer will stay small and what, if anything, can I put in with him? I'm assuming all I can have are two small fish in a 12 gallon. I also realize I probably can't have any inverts with a puffer but that's OK - it would be worth it to have a puffer.
Your thoughts?