Stocking aggressive FOWLR


New Member
Very new to marine hobby...
Still really in the planning stages of putting together a aggressive FOWLR setup, I've looked at at several threads from here and other forums.
I have a 180 gal tank, 30 gal sump, skimmer etc.
My question is about stock behavior and cleaner crew...
Right now I'm deeply immersed in the internet looking at possible stock for my tank. I am hoping to perhaps put together an aggressive set up, but still be able to have some sort of cleaning crew that wont be eaten in a week!
My only 'must haves' are at least 1 (preferably 2) Volitan Lions and 2 eels (Snowflake and possibly a zebra) but the rest I'm fairly open, probably 8 large (max 12 in) specimens total....Does anyone know of any cleaners that would not be eaten? Purple Urchin, Pincushion Urchin, wrasse?.... Any ideas gratefully received!
Thanks in advance


Active Member

Triggers, big Wrasses, and Puffers are the most notable clean up crew eaters. None of those fish do very well with Lions anyway. I have heard of people keeping cleaner shrimp with Eels, but certainly not with a Lion. I have had a lot of luck with Zebra Snails, they are quite large.
You need to stock your tank carefully if you plan on having Lions, they are easily picked on by some the fish we keep in "aggressive tanks", and their mouths are capable of swallowing fish much larger than you would expect, particularly a big Volitan.....Tangs, Foxface, a big Maroon Clown would make good tankmates for them.


I have a black spiny urchin(cleans everything fast!)
In A FOWLR set up however. a CUC is not a necessity...