Stocking False Percula Clown Fish


Hi guys,
I will be going to my LFS today to get a pair of False Percula. I'd like to get a male/female. Does anybody know how to tell them apart? Meaning tell which one is male and which is female?


Active Member
Originally Posted by grovetsly
Hi guys,
I will be going to my LFS today to get a pair of False Percula. I'd like to get a male/female. Does anybody know how to tell them apart? Meaning tell which one is male and which is female?
It actually doesn't matter much, they change. You should get one that's slightly larger than the other, and if the larger one is male it will become female. The smaller one should likely be male already.


Active Member
Originally Posted by grovetsly
Hi guys,
I will be going to my LFS today to get a pair of False Percula. I'd like to get a male/female. Does anybody know how to tell them apart? Meaning tell which one is male and which is female?
If they are in a community tank the are all male. When pairing the larger one will become female after a while with her smaller tank mate. Typically assuming a domante role. Once that has been established the dominate fish typically the larger of the 2 will become female.
Only mated pairs will have a male and female that can be identified. If you have a choice get one larger than the other and in time you will have one of each.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Typically assuming a dominant role
Isn't that the way it always works! Sorry ladies :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lecithin
Isn't that the way it always works! Sorry ladies :)

I havent seen anything to the contrary, however I have been told that it is possible to have a male larger than a female. Not often but it has happened before in the past. I guess with nature anything is possible.


Active Member
A male that's bigger? Oh sure Dark, confuse the poor guy, along with the rest of us.
In Dark's first post he implied this, but I wanted to say it outright: Get 2 out of the same tank. This will ensure they're 'acquainted', and may have established dominance.


Well I got my clown fish. They were both in the same tank at the LFS. I got one that was slightly bigger than the other. I acclimated them slowly. Its been a couple of days since they are in my DT, however they don't seem to be eating. Is that normal? How long should I wait before i worry?


Active Member
Originally Posted by grovetsly
Well I got my clown fish. They were both in the same tank at the LFS. I got one that was slightly bigger than the other. I acclimated them slowly. Its been a couple of days since they are in my DT, however they don't seem to be eating. Is that normal? How long should I wait before i worry?
It can take a couple of days.. but I wouldnt want it to go on much longer. How were they eating at the LFS you got them from? Did they feed them for you before you bought them? If so what food did they use? You may want to try the same stuff and slowly work in what you want to feed them over time.


Well.. I had my clown fish in the tank and a day later my serpeant star fish trapped and ate one of my clown fish. So I have to get a replacement fish. Do you guys have any suggestions on preventing this from happening in the future?


Active Member
Originally Posted by grovetsly
Well.. I had my clown fish in the tank and a day later my serpeant star fish trapped and ate one of my clown fish. So I have to get a replacement fish. Do you guys have any suggestions on preventing this from happening in the future?
Although there are preditory starfish I doubt yours caught your fish. In most cases the fish dies and the star happens upon a free meal. Death in a day is most likley attributed to acclimation shock but knowing your water chemistry may lead to other possible reasons.


Active Member
What serpent star do you have? The green are noted for being preditors and if so then it can happen again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mcbdz
What serpent star do you have? The green are noted for being preditors and if so then it can happen again.

Its highly unlikley it captured a fish unless it was failing or dead already as preditory as they may be.