Stocking For 10-gallon

yellow ace

Hi! Today I am going to start converting my freshwater ten gallon to a saltwater nano. I know it's a long way off, but I wanted to start planning what to put in the tank. I was thinking along the lines of a clownfish pair. Are there any other fish I could keep in there with them, or should they be the only fish? For my clean up crew I was thinking 10 turbo/astrea snails (some might get put into my main display), 4 scarlet hermit crabs. Any other suggestions? I want to be able to have pristine(sp) sand. Will the hermit crabs take care of that? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
Get a few nassarrius snails also, they'll move the sand around a bit. Two true percs or occellaris clowns would be great. Two fish is considered the max for a 10 gallon by many people but a firefish is a nice addition with the clowns. I waited over a year before attempting the firefish addition (let the tank mature) and I've had no problems. JMO .. others will disagree I'm sure.

By the way .... this tank was never treated with anything that contains copper, right?

yellow ace

Ok, thanks. I don't think I'll get the firefish just becuase I already have one in my main tank. Thanks for the advice!
It has never been treated with anything that contains copper.