stocking for 175 gal.

joe 09

i have a 175 gal. bow,amiracle 400 wet/dry,aquac urchin pro skimmer.i now have.
4-bl/gn chromis
2-bl chromis
2- hippo tangs
1-yel. tang
1-fox face
1- lunare wrasse
1-silver mono
1-maroon clown
can i add a ocellaris clown and a butterfly or a small angel.


Active Member
For FOWLR I would say sure, you could add those. If you have or plan to go reef I'd be concerned about the butterfly and angel.
Sounds like a nice setup.


Active Member
Originally Posted by joe 09
i have a 175 gal. bow,amiracle 400 wet/dry,aquac urchin pro skimmer.i now have.
4-bl/gn chromis
2-bl chromis
2- hippo tangs
1-yel. tang
1-fox face
1- lunare wrasse
1-silver mono
1-maroon clown
can i add a ocellaris clown and a butterfly or a small angel.
no on the second spiecies of clown, the maroon will kill it, i would also say no on the butterfly it is to delicate to be in with all those fish, and you could mabey get away with a small angel

joe 09

thanks for the replys,i will just go with the angel.i wanted the clowns for my grand children,they wanted nemo.