Stocking level advice.


100 gallon tank
1 yellow tang
1 hippo tang
1 bicolor psuedochromis
1 lawnmover blenny
1 velvet damsel
1 blue devil damsel
1 ocelleris clown
1 coral banded shrimp
3 black-white (zebra?) hermits
1 sand sifting snail
1 red hairy hermit
5 misc small hermits
No aggresion whatsoever between anything.
Im fine with the levels in the tank and think it may be a little small for the tangs but it is better than the 55 gallon i rescued em from and better than the 75 i had em in before. Like i said there is no agression whatsoever even with the damsels and ocelleris. What is a recommended level for this tank size?