Stocking list for 65


This is what I have in the 65.
1-Niger Triggerfish
2-Picasso Triggerfish
3-Porc. Puffer
4.Green Mandarin
Can I add a fish or 2 ? and if so what can stand its ground with the triggers ?
I don't feel comfortable putting a tang in a 65.
I have a longfin butterfly in QT but may be trading it in to my I dont love it.
Generally what types of fish do well with semi aggresive triggerfish ?


Active Member
Actually, the only fish that is suited to your system long term would be the mandarin. Both of the triggers and puffer will outgrow this system within a couple of years, providing they are small specimens now. I would not add anything else, and begin planning for an upgrade if you want to keep large, active, predatory fish. A 65 isn't going to hold anything else.


I have an empty 180 that is in the basement waiting for the upgrade but my triggers are rather small and the puffer is rather small or I should say I have a few years before the upgrade is necessary.


The question is mainy geered as what are good tankmates for semi-aggresive triggers ?
like Tangs,Angelfish.. etc ? I have the 180 and the equpment for it just did not set it up yet I'm trying to sell the 65 and wait untill I have enough cash for LR. anyways it is a generaly question as what are great tank mates for triggers that are niger and picasso. thanks

it's chuck

Tangs, Angels, Eels(a SFE would be nice in there), hamlets, rabbitfish/foxface, larger clowns(maroon or tomato), and wrasses(your larger more boisterous ones ie dragon, lunar, Corris family...)