stocking list for 90 gallon?


I have live rock cycleing my tank now
i want to get a yellow tang and a powder blue tang... maybe a pair of percula clowns a longnose hawk..... a scooter blenny
any suggestions on what else i might be bacle to get would be great


Active Member
haha bb7551.... I still wouldn't recommend u getting a powder blue tang. I never liked the idea of keeping fish just for a while and then sending it away... it's life were dealing with. But neways....
The problem will be the tangs probably will fight. The pb tang needs alot of room and is quite territorial. The yellow tang doesn't need as much room but is even more territorial... meaning it's territory is a smaller space but is more aggressive about it.
The next problem is ur tanks immaturity, it wouldn't be wise to add such a delicate fish to a new tank... by new i mean anything below a year to a year and a half. srry guy but just my oppiniones.
well neways, wish u luck


what if i scratch the yellow tang?
would i be able to have just the pb tang in a 90?
if not what would be a good tang?
besides maybe a yellow cause i already sugessted that.


A Regal Tang and Yellow Tang would look awesome together in 90 gallon tang. When I upgrade to a 125 that would be the 2 tangs I want together. Their shapes are disimilar and so is there color. But the Regal Tang has a bright Yellow tail matching the yellow tang. Great combination!! A buddy of mine has this combination in his 90 and they look great. I would add the Regal tang first then a few weeks later add the Yellow. Good luck!!!