Stocking list for a 150-180gal


Ok,so for christmas i will be getting a 150gal-180gal. Probably a 150gal cause my parents don't know where to put a 180gal.
But will these fish do good in the 150 tank?
-Banded cat shark
-sea of cortez stingray
-maybe a chainlink eel or a black edge moray (do chainlink get fat like the black edge? Or just get long and skinny)
-If not a small puffer,than a spotted grouper.
:yes: or:nope:


Active Member
Sounds good all except the puffer/grouper because both will pick on the ray and sharks fins. So I go with the eel because they are good candiates for sharks and rays along with the lion. How about another lionfish maybe another v. lion or any other lion because lions wont fight if you put them together.
i would watch out with a shark in a 150, make sure the tank is wide enough for it to turn around and not hit the sides of the tank doing so. you want it to have lots of room to swim and live, also the ray needs lots of room.