stocking list for a 55 gallon


Active Member
Depends on many factors, including whether you want corals or not, whether you like larger aggressive fish or not, etc. I am afraid it will need more clarification before people can give too many answers.


I also have a 55g tank reef tank. Currently I have 2 clowns and a court jester goby. I had a royal gramma but sadly he passed away due to some kind of infection. I'm planning on getting several neon gobies. I'd recommend going w/ smaller fish like most gobies, clowns, wrasse's etc. Then you won't have the problem of a 7" fish in a 55g tank. Just my 2 cents.


Skip the anemones. THey will most likely die. I have a 55g with a rusty angel (a pygmy) and two firefish.


well this is actually my mom's tank. she had an anemone in there and a leather coral but both died. now she has nothing in there but lr. she wants me to put some fish in there. she said she wanted some of those blue damsels with the yellow fins. could i get like 3-4 of them and some other fish. what would the other fish be..


Why kill another amenone then? Personally, I would avoid damsels like the plague. I find them to be boring and very terratorial. But that is just my opinion. If you plan to keep corals then I would stick to 3 small to med fish. If you are going to do fish only, then you could get away with another one, but I think it is better to be safe than sorry. What kind of filtration do you have?


um its an emperor. i don't know if its a 400 or not. i think it is but im not to sure. i agree with the damsels. i think maybe a firefish, 2 clowns, and a blenny would be good.


I also have a 55g tank, with a cpr bak pak and a penguin bio wheel ,2 aquaclear 402 powerheads. Also 30# of LR,golden headed goby,blue damsel,lawnmower blennie,6 line wrasse,cleaner shrimp,serpent star fish and about 10 hermit crabs. What else would be a good choice.


New Member
well dontknow about you all but i know my selection has done great!
1 bicolor angel
1 bicolor blenny
1 percula clown
2 yellow tailed damsels
1 green chromis
1 yellow tang
10 hermis
my tang and my angel are great pals! something i never would have suspected but they are! so that is my list take all suggestions you want from it lol!!! :happyfish