stocking list for a 75g


New Member
Just want some opinions on if this would be to crowded because I don’t like to swallow everything my LFS tells me, especially when it comes to stocking and compatibility between species.
the stats for my tank that is nearing the end of its cycle is:
75gal with wet/dry mini reef filter
Large protein skimmer (think I worked it out to be 90g/an hour)
47inch Extra Day-Hi-Glow 40watt light
47inch Arcadia Marine Blue Actinic 40watt light (Both kept in a Aqua-One reflective chamber thing)
150w heater
Considering getting a UV sterilizer
1inch sand bed of very fine, white sand
48lbs of Aus live rock with lots of plant life on it
I hope my conversions are accurate, living in Australia I’m used to talking about tanks in liters.
Now for the stocking wish-list :)
Dogface Puffer
Clown Trigger
Lion (possibly a dwarf?)
Porky pine puffer
Thanks for the help guys.


Maybe an antenatta lion? They are really cool, and they look more like volitans than the other dwarfs. A single puffer would be fine, but the porcupine can get pretty monstous, so maybe a smaller species, like a toby puffer? They have some nice coloration and wont outgrow yer tank. Or like a hawaiin Spotted Puffer. If u really wanted a nice fish, you could possibly consider a harlequin tusk. They outta be cheap around yer end cuz they are a hawaiin fish, and u can be proud of yer nations fish, lol. They are cool, but they like to swim, so I would work out the rock work with lots of swimthroughs, plus open space. You could pull one off for about a year, then if he isnt liing the tank, bring him back. They are GORGEOUS fish though, and are aggressive, just look at their teeth. The eel seems great too. Maybe if u do it right, u could pull off the eel (Id say a snowflake eel woulb be best) then a dwarf lion, a smaller puffer and the tusk. Some will say that there isnt enough room for a tusk in their, but Ill bive ya the okay on it. Its just a matter of opimion, cuz if u really think about it, the best actual habitat for a fish WOULD be in the ocean itself:rolleyes:


New Member
Thanks for the great help and suggestions guys!
Looks like I have a few options to think over. And to think my LFS said I could put a shark in there, but I knew he was just looking for a sale. I see harlequin tusks quite often and they are an awesome fish. I just assumed it would be too big. My rock work at the moment is pretty much a along the back of the tank to give lots of swimming and a big sand bed area. After looking at the hamlets from SWF I think they are an awesome fish! But can’t ever recall seeing any around my area.
Thanks again and keep suggestions coming :)