Stocking list


Hello all, want some idea's for some new tank mates! i have a 75G with a 30G sump/fuge.
Currently have 2 False Percs, Midas Blenny, Y Watchman Goby, Coral beauty a cleaner shrimp, Coral banded Shrimp, assorted Hermits and snails, a Sabae Anen. and a Leather coral. Jaw fish is deffinatly a must, what other sugestions do you all have?? Love active Colorful fish. Give me lots of ideas ppl! thanks!


New Member
If you tank been running for more than 6 months i would add 2 Mandarins (Green and Spotted) , Blue Electric Hermit Crabs, and Dwarf Zebra Hermit Crabs.


Personally, I love the fairy wrasses-all of them!! They become tame, are peaceful, and constantly swim in and around your tank, adding lots of activity to the tank.
You could safely add a kole tang(in my opinion, they do fine in a 75 gal)
or something exotic looking like the Kauderns cardinal
or one of the small dotty backs-the purple psuedochromis is an amazing color!


I would not add 2 Mandarins. 1 is quite enough. And 2 who are not mated are likely to fight (to the death.)
Wrasses tend to be quite active once they get used to the environment. And there's some very beautiful colorations out there.