stocking my 30 gal


Ok deep down inside i know the answer to this is probly not but most of you know more than i do about this hobbie and have never steered me wrong. Right now i have a bicolor blenndy and a 3 stripe damsel, i want to add a dwarf flame angel and a valentini puffer or hawian saddle puffer. ive got about 25-30 lbs LR and 30 lbs.LS
what do you think??????????? dont scream at me to bad :notsure:


Active Member
I don't think the puffers are reef safe, so if you plan on putting a reef in, I'd scratch it. I don't have any expirience with them first hand though.
Never had a flame angel, but if you search around I beleive most say a 30g is suitable for them. Do some searching first.
Your bioload depends entirely on your setup. Filtration and flow and the such all take into account. A little more info on your system would help for bioload questions.


right now i have a 10 gal. fuge(plus the cheap hang on filter my tank came with call me paranoid but it works) and a prizm skimmer water flow im not worried about this system worked great when i had my reef set up untill my big crash. Im thinking of just doing a FOWLR so I dont have to worry about the puffer. the only reason i post in the reef boards is because i kind of grew to trust the people in here.
thanks for the replys.


the flame will be fine in a 30 gal with a good 35-40 lbs or rock. no puffer IMO belongs in a tank that small.