Stocking my New 210!


Here is the most up to date list:
1 Mystery Wrasse
2 Leopard Wrasses
2 Yellow Tangs
1 Purple Tang (already have)
1 Lamarks Angel (already have)
9 Green Chromis (already have)
1 Vlamingi Tang (already have)
1 Desjardini Sailfin Tang
2 Lineatus Fairy Wrasses
2 Flasher Fairy Wrasses (already have)
2 Onyx Clowns (already have)
An assortment of Gobies and Blennies
What do you think?


That seems like alot to me, see what kind of feedback you get. i just bought a 240 used for a streal i'm adding A large naso, clown trigger, my panther grouper, atlantic blue tang, purple tang. your list is large with a large bio level losta watse.


what size tank did u have with your current fish, i'm asuming your upgrading to the 210. i'm new to posting ?'s and replys i'm looking for help too. what are your thoughts on the list i sent. but that really sounds like alot of fish, filtration might be the key, those species should all get along. but it might be hard on your filtration, a good skimmer is key from what i hear, however my reef125 is a basic setup i knew nothing 1 year ago and my reef is blooming i bougjht a 75 and its ok/ok lotsa brown algae. found a steal for a 240 setup everything from 100#sand/ sump / filters/2 pumps/ 100#lbs base rck/ the whole deal just get it out of here kind of thing. I wasn't looking for it but couldn't pass it up.


I'm no expert, but i'd say that's a little too much for a 210...5 tangs, angel and 6 wrasses plus others...i'd say probably 3 tangs and the rest.
On another note I want a mystery wrasse sooo bad! I love that fish, i'll never see one where I live though :mad:
I also haven't heard many good things about the leopard wrasse, they don't do well at all with wrasses of any kind from what I've found out, again could be wrong tho!
good luck with the new tank! enjoy


Well if you want help with a mystery wrasse, LMK.
My buddy has a big tank himself (forget what the size is) and he has a mystery, leopard, and a pair of lined fairy wrasses all together.