Stocking my reef


so, my tank has been set up for three months now. i currently have approx. 15 scarlets, 15 bluelegs, 4 emerald crabs, 3 peppermint shrimp, 2 brittle stars, 5 nassuirus snails, 15 turbos 1 cleaner clam, and to many feather dusters to count. I believe i still have a coral banded shrimp, but i never see him anymore. My question, i guess, is what kind of fish could i put into my reef tank that would add color and life to the tank. i currently have NO corals, still waiting for the tank to become established. i have 60 lbs of live rock and 50 lbs of live sand. i was thinking about getting 2 yellowtail damsels, a maroon clown, a court jester goby, a sixline wrasse, and a royal gramma sometime in the near future. would these fish be compatiable with each other and corals. also i was hoping to get some sort of angel, but to not want to push my bioload, so i think i will save that for later. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks


its a 30gal long ( 36x18x12 )
prizm skimmer
three zoo med 214 powerheads
coralife lunaer pc aqualight 196 watts


Active Member
The clean up crew is more than adequate for that size tank.
However...There is no way you can have all those fish in there. :D


New Member
You know whats a really cool fish you could have? A firefish! They are awsome...I have one and he has so much personality and is very colorful. You could also try the Purple Firefish. They are also reef safe and don't grow very big. You could of course go for the percula clown or oscellaris (sp?? lol) clown. And the Royal Gramma that you mentioned would be good too!:joy: There are so many interesting tiny fish that you can acquire. I would recommend the book "Marine Fishes" by Scott W. Michael. Its one of those books that is a guide to what fish are out there for the home salt water aquarium. Like it tells you what size tank they need,what they eat,and it has wonderful photographs. I really recommend it.


i was defintitly going with the royal gramma. if i left the clown out, would my line up be ok. i like the coloring on the wrasse and the goby
would it be ok with just those three fish
i was interested in getting corals rather then fish, but right now i do not enjoy stareing at the rock. thanks for your help