stocking my tank


please give me your oppinion on my new list of fish.
1 royal gramma
1 flame angel
1 horse shoe crab
1 purpleback pseusochromis
1 firefish
1 purple firefish
1 scissortail goby
3 neon gobies
1 coral bannded shrimp
2 occelaris clowns
??What kind of anemone should i get??



Active Member
Yea, thats a nice set up if u like tiny fish. They'll be easier to take care of at least. I still think you should get a lawnmower blenny, they're definitely worth it. Also, put like some prefilter songes on yer powerheads and filter heads just so yer fish dont get sucked up. And the maroon, try to get it an anemone to coexist with so it tries to leave the other fish alone. BTW, I wouldn't personally get so many tiny fish, but yer choice.


I would be a little concerned that your royal grama and purpleback psuedo may fight...
It is generally recommended that you do not mix psuedos together...


Active Member
IF, you have not already purchased htem, in a 55 gallon, i would probalby reconsider the clown and go with an oescelleris(sp?). partly due to size and partly due to aggression. and as well partly due to the fact that they are the better option for not having an anemone. JMO
oh yeah, also you may want ot reconsider the cbs. they dont much like other species of shrimp and a 55 gallon is not real big giving them the space required to avoid them killing your other shrimps.
HTH and good luck.


I would be a little bit concerned that your future firefishes and gobies might be bullied by other fishes esp. purpleback pseudochromis. Be sure to provide lots of hiding places if you still intend to stick to your list. Also, PLEASE cross out "cleaner shrimp" on the list. They simply would starve to death especially when there is not enough population of big fishes that can support its nutritional requirement. Also, don't get pistol shrimp unless you're willing to pair it with its symbiotic goby species. I think a school of green chromis (12 or more) makes a stunning display. Of course, this will change your list.