Stocking Order Help Please.


I posted an earlier post about some fish I was looking at and got some help I needed - I need some advice on a stocking order if I need to worry about one....
Here is moreless the fish with couple undecideds.
Black Cap Basslet
Pair of Filamented Flasher Wrasses
Mated pair of either Black/White Clowns or Cinnamon Clowns
Sixspot Goby or a Bluehead Tile Fish
Dwarf Angel either a Midnight Angel or BlueFin Angel
I have 90lbs of LR in a 55 so many hiding spots - I might add a Clown Goby. There an order I need to worry about?
Also those 2 Angels either one more agressive then another as far as picking as my other fish or corals?
Bang Guy mentioned to me the Wrasses may or may not eat Shrimp. I have a Peppermint in the tank now and I will be adding 2 Cleaner Shrimp. Anyone have experience with this fish and shrimp?
Going to start the QT on one within the week so would like a help on the order to add.
Thanks in advance.
Tank is 55 - 7 months old