Stocking Order


Active Member
Below I have the Fish List that I have compiled for my 75G Reef. What are everyone's opinions on which fish to add first, second, so on. I am obviously going to wait for quite awhile before adding the Mandarins, so they will most likely be added last, but have them on the list to let everyone know the full Fish List. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
  • 2 Ocellaris Clowns
  • Yellow or Kole Tang
  • 2 Firefish
    Coral Beauty
    2 Mandarins


Active Member
This a new tank? If so, Wait min. 9 months more like a year before the CB.
The manderins last like you said, when your pod populations are up. (The firefish also eat pods, keep that in mind.)
HTH, DBurr


Active Member
No, it's not a new tank. New sand, but same LR from the last time. It's still been set up, run w/ pumps, skimmer, fuge, lights, etc, but no fish in it. I've taken the LS out, and replaced it with new SD, but other than that, nothing has changed. It was setup in October of 2000 and been running ever since. Thanks a lot for the order to get the fish as well. I was thinking along those lines, but had the Tang before the Firefish.


Active Member
I don't know. Don't you think I'll have enough pods w/ 225 lbs of LR and 2 DSBs, one in the tank and one in the fuge? I also plan on adding LS Activators, Reef Grunge, Miracle Mud, etc to the fuge every three months. Do you still think it's not possible, or do you think it might work?


Active Member
I agree it would be better to get some other fish that doesn't eat pods. Royal G's also eat pods. IMO, do some research, find a fish you like that is compatable. It's better to start right that to fail because your not sure that one would go hungry.