Stocking Plan for 75g


New Member
I have a 75g with built in W/D sump (back portion of tank), airstone driven skimmer (only viable option in this setup), and a small amount of live rock. Just finished cycling with 5 damsels (all survived).
I plan on removing the damsels (should be fun) and stocking with 1 Lion, 1 Porcupine Puffer, and 1 Snowflake Eel - all juveniles.
Any feedback regarding space requirement and bio-load would be appreciated. Also would like to know if all should be added together and if not, then in what order?


Active Member
welcome to a great bb
bio load should be fine, the only thing i do not know about(like i said i don't know) is the puffer, they often tend to be fin nippers, not a good thing for a lion, but they may not bother lions(i don't know which way it would go)
i definitely would not stock all at once, the lion is a good starter, fairly hearty, but if you add him first, you need to make sure the others can't fit into his mouth when you get them, same
and for hte set up, they are messsy eaters, you may really want to look into more skimming, and increase that somehow
HTH and good luck