stocking plan- sound ok?


This is my eventual plan for fish. i am thinking 1. 3 scoter blennies
2. 1 dwarf Fuzzy lion
3. 2-4 firefish
4. yellow watchmen goby or sixline wrasse
my tank is 55 gallons, L48 by W12 by D18. sound ok?


LionFish says......
I sure think the lion would love that line-up of fish because he would have a smorgas board of food to inhale at his leisure. I usually don't recommend firefish, blennies, or gobys, or even six-line wrass with lionfish. You do realise that lionfish eat small fish and you do realise that all those fish in with that lion are small fish. Therefore, I would leave out the lion if you're going to have small fish. Also, scooter blennies are like mandarin dragonets. They feed primarily on copepods. They require a large, mature tank for them to be insured a full life. If you went with the firefish and the sixline wrasse you could do a lot in that tank but with the lion you can basically have a snowflake eel with it and you're done. And I want to clear one thing up for people who want to get Dwarf Lions. They are only dwarfs compared to other lions. They still get about 7 or 8 inches long. They really aren't Dwarfs at all. Skip the lion and you'll be alright.
If you do plan on getting the fuzzy dwarf are you getting from the same place you got the one that died on you not so long ago??
Please make sure it is eating frozen foods before you bring it home. And make sure tankmates are all bigger than he is. As my Antennata grows I see him eyeing my CoralBeauty with that I wonder what youd taste like look. :rolleyes: