stocking q's


Active Member
first of all i saw in a magazine a high precision hydrometer, it is probe looking, says it never needs calibrated gos for 16.99 anyone ever use one of these or seen one? and
2nd what is the difference of reef crystals and instant ocean?
now the big one
i will have coral and here are the fish i like, but how many of each could i add and which would be compatable together?
royal gamma basslet
yellow tang
powder blue tang
wrasses -- can you mix them or just choose one (ex-6 line)
pseudochromis-same question as wrass
blenny-same question (but i like the sailfin)
just trying to narrow down my choices, if you recommend anything else let me know, these are just a few i like
thanks everyone!


Active Member
Ok, here it goes.
Not sur eon hydrometer Q
For IO and Reef crystals, it is the same salt, except reef crystals has more trace elements in it.
On fish. I would go with this.
2 clowns
1 royal gramma
PB tang
6 line wrasse (great fish)
5 green chromis
barnacle blenny (cool little guys that live in caves)
any angel you like. Try to go with a dwarf though.
On the pseudochromis i would nix that idea. I had a strawberry pseudo chromis. Beautiful fish but one mean little guy.


Active Member
thanks arrone
as far as the PB tangs go, i am surprised you actually recommend that one, i tought the yellows were easier to care for. PB's are much nicer looking IMO but i do like them both :)
i will search for a pic of the barnacle blenny not sure what they look like
can you mix black & white clowns and orange/white (in pairs)
and thanks for the angel comment, i wasnt sure if they were safe for reefs & mixed with a tang
btw this is a 125
thanks again and welcome anymore comments/suggestions!!


Active Member
The salt is all your personal opinion. After my bag of IO gets used up i plan on going with reef crystals just for the elements.
on the clown issue, im not sure if they mix up. But i would say most likely not.


Active Member
thanks :) and if you dont mind one more question?:rolleyes:
which order to add the fish we discussed?


Active Member
A PBT will use every bit of tank space, as it is one of the tangs requiring the most swimming space. It will probably not tolerate another tang in the tank and will most likely insist on being the boss. If you get one, I would think it should be added last. :)


Active Member
thanks kara (thats my daughters name too :) )
but what about the others? as far as order, does it matter?


Active Member
Sorry:( Can't really help you on that one. I have no personal experience with some of your list, but I would start with the clowns or the chromis.


Active Member
heres the order i beleive should be added.
6 line clowns chromis and royal gramma and the blenny. (get the smaller fish out of the way)
PB tang or yellow tang (your tank your choice...thanks broomer:D )


Active Member
its just a luck thing. You might get an angel that eats or picks at corals, or you might not. Its a gamble.


Active Member
yes! did you read my other thread? the tank will arrive on halloween!! cant wait!!!
now i need to put some more serious thought into my tankmates! i thought i had a few more weeks to go with my research!