stocking question?????


i have a 30 gallon tank i want to add a beauty angel and and bang cardinal. right now i have 25lb ls 15lbs lr and one other tall fake log looking thing as for fish and others i have one purple pseudochromis one perc clown and one little damsel, a rose bubble anemone and some other pieces of coral. My main worrie would that be over loading my tank? ive had all those together for about 8 months now and they are all very happy and i dont want to interupt that any opinoins?


Active Member
You're good with the fish you have now.
Adding anymore is gonna be overstocked and you'll run the risk of the Clown or Damsel harassing the new fish.


maybe ill get rid of the damsel hes so small and ugly ive had him since i started doing saltwater and only got him cause they cost nothing compared to the others to see if i could handle this hobby. lfs will take him back. maybe i can do it that way?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bozfamily
thank you for the help i probly would have just stuffed them all toghter.

thats what this website is here for :)