Stocking questions for 300g FO/FOWLR tank


Hello everyone,
I'm new to the salt water hobby but I have had freshwater fish for a while.
My dream tank is a 300g FO or maybe FOWLR aggressive tank, but I have a couple of livestock questions.
I want my livestock to include the following:
1 Volitan Lion
1 Imperator Angelfish
1 Powder Blue Tang
1 Harlequin Tuskfish
1 Zebra Eel
1 Porcupine Puffer
First of all, would that group exist well together?
Second, considering the size of the tank, could I keep a Golden Dogface Puffer as well? I know that adult puffers are territorial, and therefore aggressive to their own kind, but if I introduced them to the tank at the same time and as juveniles, could it work out?
Third, if I decided to go with LR, could I add a Dragonet to the mix, or is it small enough to be eaten by the volitan or the eel?
Thanks for your help. I've admired many of your tanks for a long time.


Angels and puffers generally aren't compatible with the peacful Lionfish; so I'd scratch out the Lion. Big FOWLER's aren't really the place for a mandarin, as they're more suited to an "established" reef tank with moderate to light, peacful stocking. I think you shouldn't have a problem mixing the puffers in a 300GL tank. I've seen it done with no problems but something to keep an eye on. Puffers aren't crazy aggressive like certain triggers, but with one bite they can, and will easily remove a tail fin, as they have powerful jaws/beaks. I'd definately go with some top notch LR for a helpful bio-filtration, somewhere in the 300-500LB range depending on how light it is, as you don't want to eat up all the fishes swimming space. Also buy the biggest skimmer affordable to you, as those puffers can pinch quite the loaf


Active Member
Originally Posted by oceana
with a tank that size you might want to add some "schooling" fish :happyfish
I agree. Since it sounds like an aggressive tank, how about a small school of porkfish?


I have a 220 FOWLR tank with yellow tangs, PB tang, pink tail trigger, niger trigger, v. lionfish, bursa trigger, foxface rabbitt fish, lemonpeel angel, flame angel, hogfish and a purple tang. They all get along great.........right now.


Thanks for the tips, everyone.
If I did scratch the lion, could I go with a dwarf angel (or would the eel eat him)?
If I went with a school of purple or yellow tangs, would that annoy the Powder Blue?
Sorry for so many questions, but most of my experience with these fish has been through massive amounts of book reading. It can be hard to plan these things out without observing the behavior of these animals first hand.


Throw a couple lookdowns in there. Or maybe a niger ,or sargasum trigger. Maybe a foxface would work? Don't forget to post pics.


The dwarf angel will most likely be eaten. The powder blue should be fine as long as you keep the school of purple or yellow in an odd number.


My powder blue gets along with my purple and 2 yellow tangs. I did have an issue when i tried to add a powder brown in with the blue. Thant didn't even come close to working.


Active Member
Your original stock list works well enough if you introduce them in the rite sequence and with the rite sizes..I've had most of those in my fowler at one time or another and they've all lasted for years....I wouldn't suggest anything that can almost fit into the puffer's or lions mouth however,,, they dont know any better. gl


A 300GL tank is no place for Lookdowns, and the PBT is not the easiest fish to care for, so I'd reccomend as this is your first time at salt not to jump into one of these IMO.