Stocking ???'s


Can you have more than one Blenny and also more than one Goby/Shrimpgoby in a 55 gal? These are my favorite fish and I want more than one of each but do not want to create problems later. How does this sound? This is probably TOO many fishys but please comment.
2 False Percula Clownfish
Lawnmower Blenny
Midas Blenny
Starry Blenny
Yellow Watchman Goby
Diamond Goby/ Orange Spotted Goby
Neon Goby
Cleaner Wrasse
an odd # of Chromis
Royal Gramma


Active Member
That is way too many fish.
I would do:
2 clownfish
1 midas blenny
1 diamond goby
1 royal gramma
3 chromis


Active Member
You have quite a few territorial fish there! They (ALL except the chromis) will choose an AREA and set up housekeeping. The gramma and the clowns will take space. The chromis will each need a sleeping spot where NO ONE else has laid claim during the light time.
IMO you may have to choose. That's a lot of 'Tude for a 4 foot tank.
They will be small to start, but should live long ( :happyfish ) lives and will grow. Consider what the tank will be with adult fish of thse type.
Also consider where they tend to hang out in relation to each other, bottom, column or top?