Stocking small tank help


New Member
I have a 30 gallon that started as a hospital tank but now inhabits a maroon clown some snails and hermits.
I have heard they can be semi aggressive and wanted help deciding what other fish I can put with him. Any suggestions?


a 30gal is a small tank to have aggressive fish in, due to most of the aggressive fish are going to out grow the tank...but i do have some good news. a 30 gal is a great size tank for a fu manchu lionfish a fuzzy dwarf lionfish (but not both) and even a snowflake eel, this is only if your maroon clown is large enouph not to be eatin by the two. if you buy the two suggestions small enouph, you should be fine due to maroon clowns get decently large enouph.
edit: you will have to get rid of the snails and crabs, the eel and lionfish will eat them in time...sorry