Stocking Suggestion for a 14g Biocube...


Hi, all. I have a 14g biocube that's been established for 2.5 years. I've had a pair of maroon clowns in there until a couple of weeks ago. They did well but the female is really big, so I moved the pair to my 75g with a bubbletip. They seem to be very happy. So, now, what do I put in the 14g? Any favorite suggestions?
And here are the maroons in their new home:


Active Member
any pics of the cube? Any fish in there now??
here are a few things that would work
fire fish goby
pair of Bangii or pj cardinals
yellow watchman gobie


I have kept numerous things in my 14G BioCube at different times:
1) 2 Ocellaris clowns w/ a Clown Goby
2) Orange Spotted Filefish w/ Yasha Goby/Pistol Shrimp and TailSpot Blenny
3) Ocellaris clownfish and Yasha/Pistol and Tail Spot Blenny
4) ORA Fridmani Psuedochromi and SixLine wrasse
5) Blue Spotted Jawfish


Hi, all. There are no fish in there now; just some green stars, a couple of mushrooms, some macro algaes, and copepods and snails. It's just waiting for fish. A yellow goby would be cool and I love bangai cardinals. A small pair of clowns could be cool, too. Here's a picture. Sorry for the crappy picture. It looks better in person, but I just don't have a good camera.


Hello, everyone. Here's an update after cleaning the tank a bit more, putting in a chemi-pure packet, and getting two clowns.
FT Shot

Close up of the clowns - not a good picture.


Active Member
looks good, look up some gobies... Maybe a Red headed goby? Engineer goby?
Blue spotted jawfish?


Originally Posted by 1Snapple http:///forum/thread/382596/stocking-suggestion-for-a-14g-biocube#post_3344881
looks good, look up some gobies... Maybe a Red headed goby? Engineer goby?
Blue spotted jawfish?
An engineer goby in a 14G is not a good idea. Do you know how big they can get? IMO, most sand sifting fish in a nano are not a good idea. I've seen Engineer Gobies at like 9-10" long and moving rock work because they did up so much sand.
Ecooper, can you give us a close up of those different macro algaes (plants) you have in there, I have a feeling one is a bad one.


Ecooper, can you give us a close up of those different macro algaes (plants) you have in there, I have a feeling one is a bad one.
oh, I'll bet you're referring to what I think is Caulerpa. Yes, it's a nuisance, but it's started to die off. I think it happened because of the maroons. Really, that girl was big!