Stocking Suggestions??? What do you think


Well right now I have the follwing
(75 gallon tank, 90lbs of live rock)
1 whitetail trigger
1 spotted green eel
6 damsels (witch are getting fewer and fewer by the day, eel food)
i want to put some larger fish in the tank so the eel wont destroy them.
here is what i want....
clown trigger
blue tang
naso tang
emperor angelfish
any suggestions? I dont want to have a civil war in my tank, so im assuming if i put all aggressive fish in my tank i will be ok right?


Active Member
Did u say 75 gallon or 75,000 gallon? Just kidding, didnt mean to be rude but it is probably almost at max. Naso's need at least a 125 gallon, Emperors the same, you get what I mean. I would strongly recommend upgrading at LEAST to a 180 gallon to keep all of those fish alive and well.


a 75g aggressive tank can generally have about 3-4 fish depending on adult sizes. the clown trigger, emperor angel, and naso tang are all unsuitable additions with your current bioload. the blue tang could work though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pitbull01
I mean your eel, your ONE trigger, and the blue tang-that would be it though...
Yes, I agree. A naso, imporator angel, and clown trigger all need a much larger tank and will not last in a 75 for very long at all.


New Member
Please DO NOT put those larger fish in your 75 gallon, it would be a terrible loss of such beautiful fish and a waste of your money because they will surely die.