Stocking thoughts for 65g


New Member
Stocking for 65g FOWLR Tank:
(Inverts taken care of)
Flame Angel
Royal Gramma
Kole Tang
Snowflake Eel
2 Oscellaris Clowns
*Your Choice* Wrasse or other Small Fish
Any suggestions are fine.


Active Member
I would not even put a Kole tang in a 65...
Flame Angel
Royal Gramma
2 Oscellaris Clowns
6 line or possum wrasse
midas blenny
purple firefish


New Member
Oceansidefish;2928668 said:
I would not even put a Kole tang in a 65...
I figured that I could pull it off it was small enough, my arrangement allows for a good bit of swimming room, but if you insist...
Also, I was considering a Flasher wrasse, if you have any thoughts on that.