Stocking Thoughts???

Okay here are my current residents: 2 True Perc. Clowns, 2 Breeding Blue Damels, 1 Foxface, 1 Yellow Tang and 1 Sailfin Blenny (which happens to be my favorite fish). I am looking to add another fish in the next 2-4 weeks and was wondering what would make a good tankmate for these guys? I have a 120 gallon reef tank with plenty of rocks and caves in the tank. Any thoughts on what would look great in the tank?


Active Member
If the rock is mature and has lots of growth, a dwarf angel would be my 1st choice. Flame, flameback, lemonpeel, etc.


Kind of off subject... but I'm curious about your breeding blue damsels.... When my tank was first set up we had a couple of Yellowtail Blues... After they had matured a bit they became very territorial and definitely the most aggressive fish in the tank - nipping fins and chasing (almost ramming) the others away from their section of live rock (didn't even seem to care about the size of the other fish!)... Eventually we returned them to the lfs (and boy was catching them a real headache!).... So just out of curiousity, when breeding does their aggression increase? Perhaps because your tank is more than twice the size of mine, you don't encounter the aggression problems that I had.... but then again, I'm wondering if their increased aggression wasn't really due to the fact of maturing, but possibly breeding?
All I hear about are how the damsels are just mean fish. I can tell you that my damsels stick to themselves. They have their cave under a small live rock and come out to feed and swim around. During times of breeding they get aggressive but not overly aggressive. They remind me of my Africans. The environment has everything to do with controlling the aggression. Sometimes things work out in a tank that we can't even explain. I guess this is