stocking ?


New Member
I'm in the process of trying to put a stock list together. I have a 100g with a 5" DSB, 50# of base rock and I just ordered 100# of live rock to initiate the cycle so I hve plenty of time to pick out some fish. I have a prelim. stock list of 2 percula clowns, 5-7 green chromis, a blenny (unsure of which one yet) and a jawfish. I wanted a hawkfish but would like some small cleaner shrimp a little bit more. Does anyone have any recommendations for another fish with some color, character or both that would be good for a beginner! What type of cleaner shrimp would you recommend and how many?


Active Member
Welcome to the board. Are you planning on having a Fish Only tank or do you plan for corals in the future?
For fish only your choices are wide open. If you plan to go reef then it would be more restrained.
I'm not familiar with 100 gallon tanks. What is the length of the tank? That would come into play with fish that need some swimming space like tangs.


New Member
The tank will be a FOWLR. I think the reef tanks are beautiful and I would like to have one in the future but I wanted to get some experience with a less fragile system. This tank will be devoted to fish and compatible inverts. I'm not sure how long the tank is but it is long and makes my 55g freshwater tank look tiny. perhaps after a year or so I'll try another tank with a reef set up.