Stocklist for 125g


Active Member
Ok here's the deal. I want to get some more cool fish for my 125g.
Here's the stocklist:
1xSailfin Tang(want to get rid of)
1xCoral Beauty Angelfish
1xLawnmower Blenny
2xClarkii Clownfish
2xGreen Chromises
Here's what I want to get:
1xYellow Tang(replace the Sailfin)
1xPorc. Puffer
1xPinktail Trigger
Anything else that would not eat my current fish or pick on them too much?
Would it be overstocked?


Active Member
What is your issue with the Sailfin? I have had both Yellow and Sail...I preferred the personality of the Sailfin personally....How big are the Chromis? Just worried a full grown Porky would make short work of them? Love the Pinktail.


Active Member
The only problem with the Sailfin is that he's picks on my other fish, it's had HLLE for a year but I didn't know that till a month ago and it's not going away, and it's just a pain in the butt.
The chromises are small but I think my dad wouldn't mind getting rid of those.


Active Member
Ok well tomorrow there is a 1/2 off sale at a crappy lfs, but I was thinking of getting a porc puffer because they are pretty hardy.


Active Member
Your chromis may become a meal when he becomes a big puffer (As CCampbell will attest)...Very hardy though, its like having an aquatic dog.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Your chromis may become a meal when he becomes a big puffer (As CCampbell will attest)...Very hardy though, its like having an aquatic dog.
How big is big enough to eat some chromises? I'm debating the idea of getting a small tank for some of the fish and maybe doing a small reef, idk. But ya, when how big would it be looking at my fish as food?
Also the reason I'm concerned is because this lfs has a dead fish in every tank every time I go. BUt I was thinking since porc's are pretty hardy that I could get by with it?


Active Member
Also do they eat frozen food? Any specific kind? I got Mysis Shrimp and Reef package by San Francisco Bay Brand frozen stuff, but I can pick up anything when I get the puffer.


Active Member
well porcupine puffers get up to 2 ft, so there is not really a big enough chromis.
As long as the puffer is hungry and the chromis are near, meal time.
I would say you would be fine when the puffer was between 2-4 inches...after that you are in trouble


Active Member
Alright I'll be looking for some small puffers if they have any. Also what do the puffers like to eat? And how fast do they grow?


Active Member
I fed mine sliversides and krill. I have seen others that have had luck with frozen cubes.
They grow pretty fast. I bought my puffer at 3 inches and he was about 7 when he died (2 years)


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Alright, well my dad didn't care to much that it may eat chromises, so I picked up one(about 3-4inches) and I also picked up a very small juvinille emperor angelfish (2inch). I'm well aware of the emperor angel adult size, so please no flaming. Anyways, I didn't read this till after I got them so I just got them some carnivore frozen food. I'll go back this weekend and get some krill and silversides though. Got those two fish for 60$. Also saw some cool fish, and no dead fish(because they were quick to remove such things). Waited an hour and a half there to get my fish and for my mom to reach me so there was quite a line. Also saw a poor 1' coral catshark. It looked like it was being picked on and had some sand string on it. Not in the best condition,


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Alright, well my dad didn't care to much that it may eat chromises, so I picked up one(about 3-4inches) and I also picked up a very small juvinille emperor angelfish (2inch). I'm well aware of the emperor angel adult size, so please no flaming. Anyways, I didn't read this till after I got them so I just got them some carnivore frozen food. I'll go back this weekend and get some krill and silversides though. Got those two fish for 60$. Also saw some cool fish, and no dead fish(because they were quick to remove such things). Waited an hour and a half there to get my fish and for my mom to reach me so there was quite a line. Also saw a poor 1' coral catshark. It looked like it was being picked on and had some sand string on it. Not in the best condition,
$60 for both!!! Thats a great price...I agree with Campbell, your puffer will grow fast, got mine at 2 1/2 inch, he got to 7in in a year and a half, he lived at that size for 6 years...I also feed mine plain old store bought shrimp, they are piggies and always hungry, don't overfeed them. When I moved from South Carolina, I gave all my fish to a friend, he had cycled his tank with 8 damsels (LFS had him do this
). Edgar the puffer ate five in under 2 mins...took care of the other three the following few days
Pictures any time soon?


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OK I got pics and the angel and puffer are seperated by eggcrate because the sailfin was picking on the angel. Think I'm going to get rid of the sailfin.



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Ok here's some updates:
1-Winter Ice Storm 2007 hit, we went without power
A. We ran the tank on car inverters
B. All fish are fine
2-Thursday my skimmer overflowed
3-Today we emptied the tank and we're going to get the tank out and tank care of the carpets, treat the fish, and repaint the stand
Here's pics of our kitchen/marine bio lab



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Here's the tank list aka Rubbermaid List:
25g Rubbermaid-Foxface, Tang, Clownfish
25g Rubbermaid-Emperor Angel, CB Angel, Chromises, and Blenny
5g Bucket-Puffer



Active Member
LOL, good luck with the frenzy. I have the same rubbermaid as my sump for my 125gal. I noticed in the 3rd pic up from the bottom, the heater is a bit more out of the water then it should be, just some FYI. I would definitely have to keep a spreadsheet and check everything off so make sure I did everything lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
LOL, good luck with the frenzy. I have the same rubbermaid as my sump for my 125gal. I noticed in the 3rd pic up from the bottom, the heater is a bit more out of the water then it should be, just some FYI. I would definitely have to keep a spreadsheet and check everything off so make sure I did everything lol.
K I moved the heater down a little.
Another update, the puffer is in a 20g