stocklist suggestion

I have a 125 with like 200+ pounds of Live rock. my stock list:
3'' maroon clown
Medium sized sailfin tang
White ribbon eel
royal gramma ( got him from a friend.. didn't really want it but took it anyway)
Coral beauty
I have a bunch of soft corals zoas, xenia, mushrooms ect
I also have a bunch of hermits , snails, and a serpent star for CUC.
I'm wondering if there's anything else I can add to this tank thats softie/invert safe thats interesting, or if my tank is pushing the limit. thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by johnjamiesonx
I have a 125 with like 200+ pounds of Live rock. my stock list:
3'' maroon clown
Medium sized sailfin tang
White ribbon eel
royal gramma ( got him from a friend.. didn't really want it but took it anyway)
Coral beauty
I have a bunch of soft corals zoas, xenia, mushrooms ect
I also have a bunch of hermits , snails, and a serpent star for CUC.
I'm wondering if there's anything else I can add to this tank thats softie/invert safe thats interesting, or if my tank is pushing the limit. thanks
you could put in a wrasse like a yellow, sixline, flame or fairy
a mandarin dragonet or scooter blenny (really a type of the dragonet)
a jawfish if u have a deeper sand bed or a watchman goby pair
you definitly have room for more fish. what kind of filtration/skimmer are you running, also do you have a refugium. for fish, i really like mystery wrasses, but theyre expensive. id go with some sort of wrasse. are tusks good in a 125, or do they get too big? i dont really know much about them.