Stop Parasite summary...


New Member
I think we've all heard the pro's and con's of Chem Marine's Stop Parasite, can we deduce a strategy of ridding a tank of ich using a combination of reef safe meds?
Seems if Ick shows up on fish, Stop Parasite will make the fish increase their slime coat causing the ick to fall off the fish. Can we use a 2nd medication of some type to kill it in the tank while it's in it's cyst and free flowing stages?
P.S. Beth and unleashed: you rock!


Originally Posted by weesh
Can we use a 2nd medication of some type to kill it in the tank while it's in it's cyst and free flowing stages?
Maybe a UV . It should help


Staff member
There is not sure fire way of addressing ich, except hyposalinity and copper. Neither of these is healthy for most tanks.