stopped by to show off my new Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish


Well I just got him yesterday sofar so good he's doing alot of hiding I havent tired to feed him as of yet, he's been moving around oneside of the tank


Hey...that fish looks familiar. ;-)
I bet it's going to color-up nicely for you.


Well he's starting to move around the tank on one side I took more pic's there in my photo gallery, and I looked him over today as you instructed and he looks good, I'm excited about him I'm going to the LFS today and get him soon feeders so he can eat and start growing.


Originally Posted by pfcbizz http:///t/389243/stopped-by-to-show-off-my-new-fuzzy-dwarf-lionfish#post_3438969
Well he's starting to move around the tank on one side I took more pic's there in my photo gallery, and I looked him over today as you instructed and he looks good, I'm excited about him I'm going to the LFS today and get him soon feeders so he can eat and start growing.
Get guppies, mollies, or ghost shrimp...don't use goldfish, rosy reds, or any other member of the carp family.


Well-Known Member
Actually, the King's name was Mufasa. Meaning "King" in the Manazoto language, apparently. And yes, I think I just DisneyGeeked myself.

And the fish looks fantastic! I've long been a fan of dwarf lions...wish I could convince The Wife that we need another tank.....
Originally Posted by pfcbizz http:///t/389243/stopped-by-to-show-off-my-new-fuzzy-dwarf-lionfish#post_3438971
Thank you, His name is Mostafa after the father Lion in Lion king, Lol, the King of " AquaWorld" that's the name of my tank, Lol


thanks for the disney correction, but I knew that Mostafa meant something to me and I figured it was the Lion king but instead it was the father of the Rapper Tupac
Originally Posted by novahobbies http:///t/389243/stopped-by-to-show-off-my-new-fuzzy-dwarf-lionfish#post_3439206
Actually, the King's name was Mufasa. Meaning "King" in the Manazoto language, apparently. And yes, I think I just DisneyGeeked myself.

And the fish looks fantastic! I've long been a fan of dwarf lions...wish I could convince The Wife that we need another tank.....