Stopped using skimmer.


My skimmer broke awhile ago and I have been going without one for about two weeks. I did about a 10% water change last week and I am going to continue every week to do one. My corals are doing fine. Both toadstools are bigger then ever and my colt is getting there too and my mushrooms are all fine. Im not going to have the money for a skimmer anytime soon so should I be expecting bad things to come without one or do you think I could make it. My tank is 45 gallon and I have about 22x's the turnover with about 55 lbs of LR and about 40 lbs of LS. I run carbon for about a week out of the month and then I take it out. All water levels are right where they are supposed ot be. 1.025. 8.2, 470 cal., other then that everything is 0. I know poeple have had tanks without skimmers before and I was just wondering what the best way to maintain this would be? By the way the skimmer was a Seaclone 150 so it really wasnt doing to much for me in the first place.

aztec reef

Active Member
agree, just keep up the dedication with weekly water changes. last time my skimmer broke i when without it for almost two months. it would also help if you decrease the feeding portions untill you get a skimmer.


Active Member
It's been about 6 months since I have run a skimmer and I don't plan on ever running one again. I keep softies like you and I believe they do better without one. Keep up your water changes and you'll be fine.


Active Member
It's hard to tell what the long term effects will be. I ran a FOWLR tank without a skimmer for years and it was fine. And people with Nanocubes, Aquapods, etc. seem to do fine without skimmers on their systems. If you've got the money for one, it's obviously better to have it, but you'll probably be fine for now.


Active Member
I've been without one for about 3 weeks now. I am planning on getting an aqua c remora, but it'll be a while before I can afford it. I'd guesstimate I'll be without one for at least another month.
This is my 4th saltwater tank setup and it is only the 2nd one I have ever run a protein skimmer on. My 2nd and 3rd tanks never had protein skimmers and I ran reef systems successfully for over two years.
I will say though, this tank has gotten the best treatment of any tank I have ever had. I really did some homework on this tank before starting and of course I still learn everyday.


I will keep up my water changes and make sure all my levels are good at all times. I will watch the food and make sure I dont over do it and be aware of everything else. Thanks for your input.