store bought seawater


My local stores sell seawater which seems to be alot more convenient then having to mix and prepare water for changes but I'm having various problems and am curious what people think of store bought seawater vs. mixing your own. Is this a viable option since it is available in my area or is this a big no-no?


Active Member
what size is ur tank...its more feesable for smaller tanks than it is larger tanks. and if u get ur water from one store be sure to STICK with that store to assure that the water u get has the same salinity or at least as close as possible. for larger tanks ur better off making ur own...try carrying 150g of water in ur place!


I have a 60 gallon and my concern is more about the quality of the water and the safety of my tank by using it.


New Member
I would be hesitant to using that water since for one the salt level can be off. Also you would always have to use that water as much as possible. Some salts are different and carry different benefits, what or who mixed the water? Are they always accurate?...I dunno I would just make my own....takes a little more time but like everything in this hobby there is no fast way out :joy:


i was also wondering about this. if that water is sitting there for 6 months wouldnt the o2 levvels plummet??