Store bought water

Is saltwater bought at the fish store supposed to have nitrite? I would think not. I tested mine and it has about .1 mg/l? I wont add it until I find out from someone if this is ok or not. I was under the impression that nitrite was BAD and a tank should have 0 nitrite always. Thanks,


Nitrite is bad, no premixed saltwater from a lfs should contain even a trace. that's very weird--talk to someone at the lfs and double check your test kit.


First of all, what kind of test kit do you use?
If you certain that the test kit is correct
that could be their old water, they saved it after they done a water change and sale it.
OMG, if that is the case hmmm
not the best test kit, but it serves the purpose, test it again, if it shows a trace of blue, then take it back to the lfs and get new water.
you might also consider using the culligan water machines at your local walmart or grocery store and mixing it yourself. the water is only about .30/gal (cheaper than my lfs)