store front fish tank


not the best of pic's but u should be able to see it ok
... One of the many fish they have in the tank..



Active Member
IMO< pretty good for business but bad bc it looks like its in a mall n u can have little kids running around and crack it!

billy mac

yes those tanks are awesome, can't wait to go back again, they must sell alot of stuff to keep those tanks up
i have pics from inside but can't figure out how to shrink them to fit a thread


Active Member
Originally Posted by MyThrenody
Isn't that in CT? At the fox hill cassino or something?

Originally Posted by rasnme

The store is at a casino in Ct, not many little kids running around..

billy mac

Originally Posted by rasnme
Billy do u have a photo analyzer on your computer?? :thinking:
no i don't, tried to edit in paint shop but didn't work


if u want I could try to make them smaller for u, then email them back to u :thinking: my email addy is in my profile use the yahoo one ..


Active Member
put them in paint, then go to image at the top, click on stretch/ skew, and where it says horizontal, type in 40, and vertical, type in 40. or you might be able to fit in 45 45, not sure :notsure: