Storing/Aging new salt water?


New Member
I was wondering - can I make up all the water for the month in one large bucket (rubbermaid with a lid).? My thinking is that the water would always be there, you know, "just in case". But also, then i would only have to mix up once a month, and do water changes twice a month. Is this a good idea? I know that I would have to aerate the day before using, but is there a problem with this idea?


that's exactly how i do mine, except i got a pump that constantly runs inside my container. i add all my supplements to this water and usually add every couple days about a gallon due to evaporation. this seems to work well for me. ;)


Active Member
Originally posted by bonolover:
<strong>then i would only have to mix up once a month, and do water changes twice a month. Is this a good idea? </strong><hr></blockquote>
I think he meant to mix it up for bi-weekly water CHANGES, not topping up.


Byrself are you adding premixed salt water or freash water due to evaporation? <hr></blockquote>
sorry dude, just found this post, actually, i did mix some new salt in this mixture, only because i noticed my salinity has dropped a couple notches, and am trying to bring it back up. for topoffs normally, i use bottled distilled only, with dechlorinator and supplements added to my gallon jugs. i couldn't figure why my salinity dropped though, any ideas? sorry for the confusion though <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> :eek:


oh, it wasn't even enough salt to really read on my hydrometer. i also felt like adding new salt this way would add more trace elements back into my water. i did do a filter cleaning, and dumped out the water that was in the filter at the time, so maybe that's where my lost salt went, but, i'm gonna check my levels again when i get home in an hour...(i feel like an idiot) :mad: :eek:


OKAY PEEPS, sorry to bring this topic back up, just wanted to say that i checked my salinity, and it's at 1.024, which is luckily where i was shooting for. thanks for calling me out on that one cause i was certainly well on my way to disaster had i continued on that path. sorry, but i got a good excuse, love on the brain
<img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />