strange Algal Bloom


Hey guys every few days i have this HUGE algal bloom. Last time it wasgreen algae this time its brown.
Here are my water tests
Amonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0.5
Alkalinity 9
ph 8.5
Im using RO water and instant ocean
I dont have a high bioload or anything
and i even have a bak pak skimmer with a preskimmer attachemtn and its workin over time but still HUGE blooms any suggestions? i have a ton of clean up crew too but they cant seem to keep it down and the algae is all on surface of the water. the only thing i can think is MAYBE cause i just got new lighting. But i've had it in for 2 weeks and the problem seemed to be dying down and was also present before the new lighting.. i barely feed and when i do i dont over feed. so ya any help would be great.


Active Member
New tank?
If so you're probably experiencing diatoms. Completely normal and everyone goes through it. Once they all die off it will be gone. Nothing you need to do but wait.


Nonono old tank new lighting. I just switched to T5. Diatoms?! that suxs. Its like a thick brown algae coat on teh surface and the surface skimmer doesn't seem to be doing much to remove it. =/ As for waterflow i have a SCWD with a RIO 180 the tanks only a 29 gallon so ya i wasn't sure how much power to press through it.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
How much flow do you have in the tank and what kind of water do you use?
Hey as for water im using either RO DI water that i dechlorinate just to be safe or i am using seawater FROM the ocean filtered at teh facility i work at and pumped into a bucket for my wonderful convienience =P