Strange "big" Worm


So as I'm leaving for work yesterday morning, I look in my tank and see this guy

It's maroon, about 4-5 in (maybe its curled up), and as thick as your pinky. It also has spines running along most of the side of its body. Couldn't see a mouth as it was curled up.
Since I saw it it has been in the same spot but is still moving so he is alive. Just curious as to what it is.


Are you talking about the "Most disgusting thing I've ever seen" thread?
If so I don't think so, that one was black and no spines


But it's HUGE! I thought bristle worms were barely an inch long.
And sorry about the picture after my sand settled there is a film on the inside of the glass.


New Member
Originally Posted by WorrBaller
But it's HUGE! I thought bristle worms were barely an inch long.
And sorry about the picture after my sand settled there is a film on the inside of the glass.
yeah I wish they made an easy way to clean glass without getting wet (ha ha joking). So what did you do with the worm?


It looks like he is dying as he is out in the open all the time. I'm going to leave him to help with the cycle (kinda like the raw shrimp thing).
And I did a little research on bristle worms. Amazing what one google search brings up lol. And they say that bristle worms can reach up to 20"!
Thats what I love about this hobby you never stop learning.