strange creature id? pink fluid shooter?


I have a piece of live rock that is loaded with sea squirts? i guess? I have posted a picture of them about 3 weeks ago - now as My girlfriend was cleaning out our seahorse tank - this pink bristleworm or cucumber thing keeps coming out of the rock and shooting a weird pink like substance out of its mouth? it looks like a pink elephant trunk and it spews out a pinkish white liquid almost everytime we clean in front of the rock. My major concern is the ol' cuke nuke situation! Any ideas or suggestions? There may ber more then one because we just saw it come out of another rock - has anyone experienced anything like this? It almost looks like a huge bristle worm? but one that had a few too many beers, lol!! thanks for any advice!


ok the whole spitting pink stuff has got me, but I had 8 bristleworms that were not wanted in my rock. I was told to sit the rock in some DI water for a little bit and trust me they will fly out. Thats how i got rid of mine. I had one that was over 3 inches long and I saw him when he was trying to grab at one of my fish otherwise I wouldnt have known he was there. Maybe someone else can help you with the pink stuff cause mine didnt do that.


thank you guys for the replies, I just put my seahorses back in the tank - hopefully the pink liqiud stuff will not hurt them. Hopefully it is just worm barf.


sometimes my bristleworms do this.
reproduction is gross.
but its white, not pink, so IDK


My vote- sea hare. Excellent hair algea eaters. Run some carbon to get rid of the pink "ink". However, unless you have tons of hair algea, you might want to trade it in to a fish store.


thank you everyone for your comments - I saw it come out today and it is definetly a sea hare - I have a ton of hair algae for it to feast on -- yay!!