Strange even for a Clown


I have a 55 gal that I recently(1 week) added two false percs to. I had a RBTA for about a year already. The smaller of the two went to it the second day, with the bigger jumping in right behind. Then on the 4th day the bigger seems to stay in the anemone the most, but following a water change things seem to be going downhill. I know I have a water problem, PH down to 7.8(using buffer to raise that for about 2-3 days), and my nitrates are up to 20(started more aggressive water changes of 15-20%). Now yesterday following hte water change, the bigger clown faces straight into the large hole the anemone is in and just stays there for the most part. Occassionally comes to the anemone or swims around. Its almost as though she/he has been punished. Today, it is further in the hole behind the anemone and the smaller is being very protective of it. I have no other weird behaviors from the other fish/inhabitants consisting of yellow tang, damsels, brittle star, fire shrimp, peppermint shrimp, and two corals pagoda cup and yellow polyps. I am not sure if this could be normal or should I be getting it out of there. I am curious does changing --- cause any behavior changes? Any help would be appreciated. All other water parameters tested are normal: ammonia-0, nitrites-0, 1.023(adjusted for temp is 1.025), temp-80. Here are a couple (bad) pics of how things looks. The bigger clown is moving normal and no apparent marks on it.



I've noticed now the bigger clown comes out and the smaller one keeps going behind the anemone. There is/was a peppermint shrimp that used used to hang out back there, but figured it had moved on. Is is possible they could be preventing the shrimp from getting to their anemone?
Anyone got suggestions????
:help: :help:


Originally Posted by clown123
maybe they wanna lay eggs back there!

I'm thinking it is something like that. Before I left for work, the larger of the two was guarding the area around the anemone and hole. The smaller clown stayed in the anemone. They are both eating and generally are acting healthy. I will continue to monitor(as usual). ***)