Strange growth on Fin


I got a lemonpeel angel about 2 weeks ago and he's got a stange bump on his fin. it looks like a yellow bubble on the top of his fin. He eats fine, swims around, but I've seen him scratch some and the bubble has gotten somewhat larger. amm, trite, trate all tested 0. ph is at 8.3. my SG is around 1.020 but I'm gradually bringing it up. The pics are small but it's about halfway back on his top fin.



Active Member
Hm, I can't be positive what it is.
What are you feeding this fish? Are you using garlic and vitamins? How often are you feeding the fish?
Are those pictures from your quarantine tank?


Those pics are from the main tank. I've been feeding him formula 2 flakes and trying to get him interested in algae sheets. He loves to eat the frozen mysis and brine soaked in vita-chem that I feed the other fish. He's only about 3" long. I haven't tried garlic, and I know the LFS runs copper in their system to guard against ick. I feed the frozen twice a day, and I've been feeding the flake 3 times a day so that he gets enough. Do you want me to e-mail you a bigger pic?