Strange inhabitants in our tank!!!


New Member
Hi - We have a fairly new 29 gallon tank with two percula clowns, two brittle starfish, lots of crabs and snails and a peppermint shrip. We have noticed some unusual inhabitants and were wondering if anyone might have any thoughts to what they might be. First are some tiny see-thru things at the bottom mostly in the crushed coral. They seem to have legs but are very tiny and almost impossible to see.
Also there are LOTS of tiny white curly-Q's all over the walls and rocks. They look like tiny tiny baby snails to me but I don't know if that's correct or not. They don't seem to be moving much or are too small to tell.
Any ideas? Thanks so much!
That's a good link! I finally found out what that worm is on my live rock that I got 5 yrs. ago.
It's a peanut worm, and it's still alive after all this time. I'm going to bookmark that page.
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