New Member
I have a 75 gallon reef tank.The fish are a royal gramma,three cardinals,a six line wrasse,and a species of angel that doesn't attack coral(can't remember the name).All are doing well as is all of my soft corals and crabs and shrimp and snails.What makes me crazy is that I can't get clowns of any type to live more than 2 weeks.Any clown gets pale patches on its sides and dies.I don't believe it is ich as other fish don't seem affected.The clowns and I must admit two pyramid cardinals have perished in the past few weeks even though the cardinals showed none of the paleness.Mosy of my losses have been new fish but other new fish are unaffected.Please someone tell me what is happening.I have halide lights and a protein skimmer but can't figure out what is affecting some fish and not others and every clown I put in the tank----help!!!!!!!!!!11