strange thing growing on rock


Hello everyone, i haven't been around in awhile but my tank is doing great. have not had any fish loss and everything is doing fine. I do have something strange growing on one of my rocks. they are green and shiney and look like bubbles (i think they look like glass balls). They are only growing on one rock. Does anyone know what they are or if they are dangerous to the tank. I tried to remove one and they are hard.
Any ideas?? should i just let them be?


Active Member
agree--don't pick at them. if it pops it will spread throughout your whole tank. take the rock out if you can, and put in a bucket of water, and try to pry it off with a screwdriver or something. emeralds will eat it, but they also will let some of it spread so they always have food.
if you pop it in the bucket scrub it like mad.


Should i remove them. take the rock out and scrape them off or just get the crabs? I have, i think they were called, scarlet crabs. they have red claws.


Ok, you posted the same time i did.. i will remove the rock and pop them off and scrub. thanks. luckly it is on one rock right in front of the tank


scarlet hermit crabs don't eat the bubble algae as far as I know. The best way is to either take it out and scrub like mad once you get it all off like reno said, or get an emerald crab.